Showing 46 Result(s)

Pressure Cooker Spaghetti Squash

AUGUST 1, 2017RUCKUSANDRUBIES Growing up, my sweet grandmama had a pressure cooker. She cooked quite a bit of meals in it, but my favorite was her fried chicken. My mouth is watering just thinking about that chicken–juice on the inside, crispy on the outside… Sorry, I’m getting a little distracted by the memory. Unfortunately, today’s pressure …

Crockpot Turkey and Rice THME, lowfat

As you know, one appliance that I simply cannot live without is my crockpot!  Crockpot meals are my favorites.  On days when we have a lot going on, it is so easy to just dump some ingredients into the crockpot and let it do all the work.  It’s almost like having our own chef because …

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes, sugar free, low carb

Spring is on its way! I usually enjoy winter, but it seems the older I get the earlier I look forward to spring. Of course, everything is connected to food. The fresh fruits and vegetables of spring and summer simply delight my taste buds–the colors, the flavors, the variety!Even though it’s not strawberry season, I’m already experimenting …

Peaches & Cream Oatmeal, Low fat, THME

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes find my Mondays lacking a little cheer and excitement.  My new recipe has me so thrilled that I am sharing my Tasteful Tuesday post a day early!!  I’m sharing this delicious oatmeal recipe with my sweet homemaking friends over at Raising Homemakers. Growing up, I was never a …

Fried Chicken Tenders – Healthy, Low Carb, THMS

Crispy, juicy, mouthwatering fried chicken – that’s what my sweet grandmama used to make. She lovingly battered each piece and carefully fried them in her pressure cooker. Boy, do I miss that fried chicken. Even more, I miss my sweet grandmama–I wish my children could have known her. She was an amazing, southern cook. Of …

Acorn Squash Soup THME

I’ve been ordering produce through a co-op called Brown Box Veggies.  I received an acorn squash in my box this weekend.  I really wasn’t sure how I wanted to cook it since I’m probably the only one in my home who is going to eat it.  I decided to make squash soup. It was delicious and such a warming, …

Family Fondue Night

We recently went on our last family camping vacation for the year.  Camping is a retreat we indulge in often, so we have our customary list of foods and recipes that work well for camping.  However, I wanted to try something new.  We don’t rough it completely (we have a camper), so we have access …

Chocolate Cupcakes with Capuccino Icing THMS

Recently my girls and I attended a special party for a friend.  Since we are sugar free and gluten free, I really wanted a moist, delicious cupcake recipe.  After experimenting in the kitchen, this was the I was able come up with a delicious recipe for moist, gluten free, chocolate cupcakes with icing that tastes …

Cake Batter Latte

Rich, frothy, buttery, strong – that’s how I like my coffee. I am always looking for new flavors and healthy recipes for coffee and other drinks. Mint and chocolate are two of my favorite flavors, and I was REALLY looking forward to having a peppermint mocha coffee. Unfortunately, I was disappointed to find we were completely out …

Butter Pecan Shake

Maple, pumpkin, nuts, caramel–these are the flavors that I love year round. However, it is fall so I’m indulging in them even more now. Tonight I made a rich, butter pecan shake that was so good that I had to grab my computer and immediately share it. If you like this one, you might also …