Hi, ladies! I am so excited to be beginning our first spring session of THM Coaching and Mind Renewal on 3/12/23.
You will soon have access to our coaching module lessons. In the meantime, you’ll need to purchase any supplies you need for the session.
We will be studying Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating by Barb Raveling, which you can find here

You may also need journaling supplies. These are some I use:

We will be breaking this book up into two sessions, so we will study it for 12 weeks. I want to give us all time to really renew our minds and process what The Lord and Barb have for us and also apply it on a practical level to our THM journey. I have prayed about these sessions and I ready to see how God is going to move in our lives!
I look forward to getting started with you soon. Let me know if you have any questions! I’m cheering and praying for you!