Welcome! I’m Amanda, a THM certified lifestyle coach who knows how to make THM simple and successful. I coach & encourage women on a journey of food freedom anchored in hope resulting in weight loss & health; specialize in hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance, food allergies, diabetes. I’ve been a Trim Healthy Mama since 2013 and THM Certified Lifestyle Coach since 2020, Jesus follower since 1987, wife since 1993, WAHM of 4+2, grandmother, homeschooler, wellness warrior since 2011. These are my passions and my life’s blessings!
Being a THM lifestyle coach is my mission & ministry. It is my calling: to encourage, coach, and mentor others, helping them achieve health, wellness, & weight management on a journey of food freedom anchored in hope.
I struggled with my weight for most of my life until I became fed up with the constant roller coaster of fad diets and fighting my own body and genetics. My weight fluctuated up and down for many reasons that frustrated me. Discouraged by yet another period of weight gain and what felt like wasted time dieting the year before, I determined there must be more to life and wellness. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and I knew it was time for permanent change.
Through several faith-based resources and a journey since 2013, I discovered a plan that leads to sustainable wellness and weight management without fads and food group restrictions. Over that time I lost over 70 pounds.
If I had only known sooner what I know now I could have gotten off that nonsensical roller coaster of losing weight only to gain it back and feel worse than I did before, that yo-yo of healing an ailment only to have it return and be diagnosed with another, and I could have saved myself and my loved ones from my burnout and fatigue. I could have served God, my family, and others better!

It is my ministry and mission to share this plan with you on your journey, and let’s be clear: becoming trim & healthy is a JOURNEY.
Please stay awhile and get to know me: I am a THM lifestyle coach, encourager, lifestyle blogger, organizer, time manager, and wellness enthusiast currently healing from hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance, and adrenal fatigue with a specialty in food allergies (my children have them).
I enjoy good food (especially chocolate, nuts, & cheese), a good cup of coffee or tea, camping, and God’s beautiful creation. Music is a pathway to my soul. My love language is quality time with my precious family and friends. My passions include mentoring, encouraging, wellness, photography, writing, reading, gardening, cooking, singing, dancing, playing the piano, decorating, and crafting.
I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey!